Rush Poker is a fast, no-BS poker game that poker lovers can enjoy on Situs Slot Deposit Pulsa Tanpa Potongan. If you want to win, you need to forget all the crap you’ve seen the pros do on television. No preflop bluffs with J-4 offsuit. No squeezing from the blinds with air. Rush Poker is a game that rewards ABC poker players. Play it nice and simple, and you’ll be handsomely rewarded. Before you get started on Rush Poker hand selection please be sure that you fully understand the rules of Rush Poker. One of the best features for signing up at a new poker site is the opportunity to get a big poker sign-up bonus. These bonuses can often double the amount of your initial deposit or even more than double it.
Because Rush Poker strategy relies so much on playing your cards (as opposed to regular-paced poker, which is mainly a game of reads and tells) you’ll want to pay extra attention to your preflop hand selection. Let’s take a look at some good hand ranges from each position: early, middle, and late. For your reference, here’s a summary of the positions at a 9-handed Rush Poker table, ordered from early to late:
SB BB UTG EP MP1 MP2 LP CO BTN Early Early Early Early Middle Middle-Late Late Late
- SB – Small Blind
- BB – Big Blind
- UTG – Under The Gun
- EP – Early Position
- MP1 – Middle Position 1
- MP2 – Middle Position 2
- LP – Late Position
- CO – Cut Off
- BTN – Button
Rush Poker Hand Selection: Early Position
Being stuck in an early position kinda sucks. From either of the blinds, you’ll always be first to act post-flop. From UTG and EP, you’re first to act preflop. In none of these cases do you get to see how players ahead of you act; you’re essentially forced to play blind.
Given this lack of information, you’ll want to tighten up your range from an early seat. Fold any hand you think is even slightly marginal. Play it safe, as the early position is very unforgiving when you make a mistake. Here is a good range of hands to lead within early position:
pocket pairs 66+
AK offsuit
AQ, AK suited
This may seem like a really tight range, and to be honest, it is. But there’s a good reason for that. You need to be very sure that your hand is strong when leading out in an early position since you’ll be playing on the strength of your hand alone. You’ll have no idea what you’re up against, and thus need to make sure you’re in with some equity.
Rush Poker Hand Selection: Middle Position
In the middle position, you can loosen up a bit. This is especially true when you find yourself in an unraised pot. Since you get to act after the players in an early position, you’ll be able to judge whether or not the players before you have strong holdings. With every player that folds before you, your hand strength increases. A good range from middle position looks something like this:
- Pocket pairs 22+
- AQ, AK offsuit
- AJ, AQ, AK suited
- QJ, KQ suited
Rush Poker Hand Selection: Late Position
When in a late position, you really get to have some fun. In unraised pots, you can steal blinds and isolate fish to your heart’s content. From LP, CO, and BTN you can loosen your range significantly since you’ve got access to lots of information.
It’s important not to get carried away, though. Rush Poker is a tricky game; you want to steal blinds whenever you can, but you don’t want to get trapped in a habit of stubbornly raising for no reason. You’ll bleed cash if you go nuts with the raising, and thus need to stick to a solid range. Play these hands from a late position:
- Pocket pairs 22+
- AJ-AK offsuit
- AT-AK suited
- Suited connectors 67+
- Suited two gapers 8T-KJ
Rush Poker Hand Selection: To Each His Own
Remember, these hand ranges are just starting points. Once you get used to Rush Poker, you can tailor your hand selection to meet your comfort level. Once you get a handle on basic strategy, try adding some hands to your middle and late position ranges. Don’t be afraid to steal whenever you get the opportunity (i.e., you’re folded too).
Whatever you do, always keep in mind: Rush Poker is all about fun. The great thing about the game is that you’re able to quickly fold all your crap; you can play your good hands (the hands in your preflop range) sooner, and win cash quicker. With a little hand selection, Rush Poker is a piece of cake.